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Program of Medicine




Points of Strengths and Areas for Improvement


Points of Strength:

The program and its goals are consistent with the vision and mission of the university.

The program adopts National Academic Reference Standards (NARS) of medicine.

The program has a general coordinator who writes annual reports depending on students’ results, evaluates exam sheet, students’ opinions and reports made by professors - who put and teaches the annual curriculum - and draws up an annual plan to improve and develop the program.

All staff members of the program are specialists (holding at least PhD degrees in their specialization). Consistency of staff member’s specialization with the curricula he teaches shall be considered.

The program, including all of its curricula, is subjected to periodic assessment by staff members, program coordinator, students and graduates. In addition, it is also subjected to the periodic external review by specialists from other universities.

Areas for Improvement:


Considering differences between students and their needs


Increasing resources and finding systems for supporting own resources,

Drawing up strategies that consider the individual differences between students and their needs,

Drawing up a plan to develop the program technically






Summary of Strengths and Areas for Improvement

Points of Strength:

The program identifies the targeted group and specifications of the graduate.

General goals are consistent with the program graduate specifications. Learning outputs of each curriculum are also consistent with learning outputs of the program and academic standards. Each curriculum includes a curriculum map that identifies the consistency of teaching and learning strategies and evaluation methods with the academic standards and learning outputs. All are identified by the description of the program and curricula.

The program is developed to ensure the cognitive and skill sequence, and the incremental gradation in difficulty to ensure achieving the learning outputs of students.

The design of program structure considers the balance between university requirements, cognitive and experimental side, and training in the university hospitals to achieve the goals of the program and its cognitive, mental, professional, and transferred skills learning outputs.

The program sets up systems that ensure the engagement of students in society and meet societal needs through their engagement in cognitive and professional progression by receiving training in the university hospitals, or through medical missions that provide a free medical treatment service to various areas in the country.

The program is developed in consultation with the concerned entities, such as the Medical Syndicate and various hospitals.

The program is concerned with the African values and society needs at local and African levels.

Areas of Improvement:

 Do not exist.


 Do not exist.








Summary of Strengths and Areas for Improvement



Points of Strength:

The process of teaching and learning process depends upon learning outputs that are clearly described and are consistent with the general goals of the program.

The competent section identifies its needs annually to implement the program depending upon the program report, and its annual improvement plan, according to number of students enrolled and admitted annually.

There is a written description of the program and its curricula that clarify books and references that are used, and a matrix for each curriculum clarifying study weeks, targeted learning outputs of each week, subject of study and the corresponding teaching and learning strategies to achieve each output and evaluation methods. In addition, each staff member presents all of what is mentioned before to students in the first lecture. The description is also available for students and the necessary references are available in library for students use.

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