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برنامج الفيزياء الحيوية

  • 23 يناير, 2018

 Biophysics program

 A-  Basic information

      Program Title:        Biophysics

      Program Type:        Single

     Award / Degree:        B.Sc. in Biophysics

     Department (s):         Physics

B- Professional information

  Program aims

Biophysics program is intended to keep available all of the options to students in either biology or physics and understanding the relationship of biophysics to other areas of science such as medicine, biochemistry, molecular biology,…etc. It is an excellent program  for preparation of the students for the medical physicists’ profession  and lab studies of medical-, molecular- or environmental biophysics. Also, they have the ability of thinking clearly and meaningfully about the recent approaches in the field of biophysics as well as the ability to understand new hypotheses, new problem descriptions and new methods for analyzing health biophysical data around human needs or influences. They can also generate; analyze and report on moderately complex biophysical data sets.

The Biophysics program has the following general aims

  1. Provide graduate with a wide range of integrated knowledge, concepts and theories in the field of basic science and interpret biological and basic science phenomena through general chemistry, zoology and mathematics.
  2. Provide graduate with a broad practical laboratory based on biological and physical curriculums.
  3. Apply various theories and concepts of mathematics to deduce related processes with biophysics in addition to study the application of physical methods in living organisms.
  4. Help the graduate to identify the biological effects of ionizing and non ionizing radiation on living matter.
  5. Develop the recognition and Understanding of physiological, systematic concepts, molecular biology and ecology.
  6. Encourage, develop our students for self-learning, and support their development of appropriate interpersonal and transferable skills.
  7. Help graduates to understand the most of fundamental laws and principles of biophysics, along with their application to a variety of fields.
  8. Provide graduate with Islamic behaviors through the Islamic courses.

2- B- Graduate attributes

  1. Recognize the role of biophysics in the development of society to instill, in students, a sense of enthusiasm for biophysics
  2. Develop wide background knowledge to the different branches of biophysics, to serve as preparation for graduate work in biophysics
  3. Utilize biophysics facts and theories to analyze and interpret practical data
  4. Postulate concepts and choose appropriate solutions to solve problems of a biophysics
  5. Deal with scientific data in both Arabic and English
  6. Contribute self and long life-learning
  7. Grain in Islamic frame which ties students with Quran and sciences

3- Intended Learning out comes(ILOS)

A -Knowledge and understanding

In addition to the knowledge mentioned in the basic science graduates, the biophysics graduates must be able to

      A1. Explain the related basic scientific facts , concepts, principles and techniques (Botany, Zoology, chemistry and mathematics)

      A2. Identify the relevant theories and their applications in the field of biophysics

      A3. Illustrate the processes and mechanisms supporting the structure and function of the specific topics (such as physiology , macromolecules and enzymes)

     A4. Illustrate the related terminology, nomenclature and classification systems

        A5. Discuss The Basics of Modern Physics and identify the developmental progress of the program-related knowledge

     A6. Identify the relation between the studied theories and methods topics of the static and dynamic properties of fluids

     A7. Describe the basics of Electricity , electromagnetism and different types of waves

     A8. Identify the basic laboratory equipment and methods of safe working

     A9. Illustrate  experiments to analyze and interpret biophysical data of the macromolecules structures, enzyme mechanisms, cellular behavior in nerve,  Muscle and visual cells

    A10. Describe the structural and functional aspects of biological systems from single molecule to the entire organism

    A11. Explain basics of hearing, vision, smelling, taste and tactile by sense organs and its

              conversion into electrical impulses

    A12. Explain the conversion of chemical energy into mechanical energy and movement by muscles

    A13. Explain  the cell membrane biophysics and its models

    A14. Illustrate the Biological effects of radiations on biological systems and environment

    A15. Illustrate the principle of modeling for biological system

    A16. Identify specific and general vocabulary and sentence composition for improving the reading skills

 أن يكون الطالب قادرا على تعريف علوم القرآن و العلوم الاسلامية ذات الصلة و خصائصها.A17

B- Intellectual Skills (IT)

: In addition to the intellectual skills mentioned in the Basic Sciences graduates, the Biophysicist must be able to

B1. Differentiate between the essential facts , concepts, principles and theories of biophysics and related subjects

B2. Analyze qualitatively and quantitatively physical and biological data

B3. Appropriate judgments in accordance with scientific theories and concepts after developing lines of argument

B4. Postulate mechanisms and procedures to handle scientific problems

B5. Predict appropriate solutions for biophysical problems and design models based on experimental data derived from biological systems

B6. Design models based on experimental data arrived from biological systems

B7. Apply mathematical tools , techniques and models to analyse experimental results

B8. Consider the Islamic subjects in English text and common scientific terminology

B9. Connect fundamental ideas about the physical behavior of matter and energy to  biological structure and function

 أن يكون الطالب قادرا على إستنباط الأدلة الشرعية.B10

C- Professional and practical Skills

 In addition to the professional and practical skills mentioned in the Basic Science graduates,  the biophysicist must be able to

C1. Design the investigated data, using appropriate techniques and considering scientific guidance

C2. Apply techniques and tools considering scientific ethics

C3. Implant the biophysical knowledge and understanding as well as intellectual skills in research work

C4. Use the national standards , advanced, and specialized laboratory equipment that  are essential for practical research work

C5. Present theoretical and experimental biophysical results in understandable forms such as tables and graphs

C6. Use computational program packages and tools in laboratory work

C7. Handle radiation sources and biophysical sample safely

C8. Use Application of advanced biological and biomedical techniques

C9. Use principles of biophysics in analyzing signals originating from biological Systems

C10. Solve problems using a range of formats and approaches

C11. Criticize the different methods used in addressing subject related issues

 تطبيق الفهم الفكرى للمفاهيم و المبادئ و الاخلاقيات الاسلاميه فى ظل وسطية و سماحة الدين الاسلامى. C12

D- General and Transferable Skills

By the end of the program the graduates must be able to

D1. Use information and communication technology effectively

D2. Identify roles and responsibilities, and their performing manner

D3. Think independently, set tasks and solve problems on scientific basis

D4. Work in group effectively by managing time, collaborating and communicating with other positively

D5. Acquire self- and long life-learning

D6. Apply scientific models, systems, and tools effectively

D7. Deal with scientific patents considering property right

D8. Communicate effectively using the English language

D9. Consider community linked problems, Islamic morals, ethics, and traditions in addition to sense of beauty and neatness

D10. Think independently, using written source material at a research level, i.e. primary or review papers in scientific journals, as well as other appropriate sources

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