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برنامج علم الحيوان الخاص

  • 23 يناير, 2018

Special Zoology program

Basic Information

      Program Title:        Zoology

      Program Type:        Single 

     Award / Degree:        B.Sc. in zoology

Department (s):   Zoology Department

 Coordinator (s): Prof. Dr. Mona El-Tonsy

                             Pro. Dr. Nehal Ali

                              Dr. Hemmat Mansour

1-Program Aims

 The specific aims of the zoology program are oriented to give the graduates the opportunity to:

 1-Understand the role of basic science of biology, chemistry, physics genetics, physiology, immunology, embryology, behavior, entomology, computer science, vertebrates and invertebrates.

2- Study the environmental aspects of ecosystems, sustainability, classifications, experimental design, taxonomy and field study. ..

3- Contribute effectively to understand the subjects related to teratology, cytogenetic, molecular biology and genetic engineering.

4-Recognize the diversity of animal kingdom through the study of organisms, evolution and environment.

5-Enable students to recognize the structure and functions of body cell, tissue and organs.

6- Train to prepare and examine histologic sections under laboratory microscopes.

7- Qualifiey the student to apply the skills of methodology to a range of techniques used in chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer, botany, microbiology to serve in zoology field.

8-Qualifiey the student to serve and conduct research in a wide range of disciplines such as medicine, pharmacology, veterinary medicine, dental medicine and agriculture.

9- Learn, in addition to scientific courses, beliefs, behaviors, doctrine, holly Quran, hadith and interpretation through Islamic Studies.

A-Knowledge and understanding:

By the end of the Zoology program, the graduate must be able to:

 A1-Explain the basic scientific facts, concepts, principles, techniques and relevant theories and their applications in addition to related subjects of basic science.

A2-Illustrate characters, structure, function and genetics in the scientific area of botany ,zoology, entomology and microbiology

A3- Illustrate the processes and mechanisms supporting the structure and function of the specific topics in different ecosystems.

A4-Define the related terminology, nomenclature and classification systems.

A5-Describe the theories and methods applied for interpreting and analyzing biological data.

A6-Characterize the relation between animal and plant kingdoms and the environment.

A7– Discuss the developmental progress in the animal related knowledge.

A8-Define life of representative taxa in different levels of cells, tissues and also the organisms.

A9-Disscuss the physiological and biochemical bases of different organs,

functions, metabolic processes and homeostasis.

A10-Identify the characteristic features of animals living in the different habitats.

A11– Explain the processes and mechanisms in different ecosystems by modern scientific methods.

 A12– Formulate the theories applied for interpreting information with regarding studies of animals and their service life.

A13– Demonstrate complexity in animals and their service life through the study of genetics, developmental stages, evolution and physiology.

A14– Identify specific and general vocabulary and sentence composition for improving the English  reading skills

A15–  أن يكون الطالب قادرا على تعريف علوم القرآن و العلوم الاسلامية ذات الصلة و خصائصها وعلاقتها بالبيئة المحيطة .

  1. Intellectual Skills:

By the end of the Zoology program, the graduate must be able to:

 B1-Differentiate between the essential facts, theories, concepts and principles of biology and related subjects of basic science.

B2-Assess qualitatively and quantitatively biological and relevant data.

B3- Select the subject-related knowledge to solve problems and deduce the mechanisms and procedures to handle these scientific problems

B4- Assess the interrelationships and impact of a specific organism on its ecosystem.

B5-Construct several related and integrated information to make evidence and test hypotheses

B6-Select the recent mechanism within a theoretical framework in zoology and related branches.

B7-Select lines of argument and appropriate judgments in accordance with the scientific theories and concepts for mothers and their embryos health.  .

B8-Analyze the ecosystem, its conservation, economics and sustainability for animals.

B9– Interpret the biological data to a variety of information sources in zoology and related studies

B10– Consider the Islamic subjects in English languish and common scientific terminology

– أن يكون الطالب قادرا على إستنباط الأدلة الشرعية B11

  1. Professional and Practical Skills

By the end of the Zoology program, the graduate must be able to:

 C1-Apply appropriate laboratory techniques and tools for processing technical procedures considering scientific guidance for evaluating the outcomes in a scientific report.

C2– Use techniques and tools considering the scientific ethics.

C3– Solve problems using recent tools range of formats and approaches.

C4– Apply the different methods used for preparing, processing, interpreting and presenting data for biological samples

C5-Prepar the samples by using appropriate techniques in the field and/or laboratory.

C6-Use field and/or laboratory investigations of animals in a responsible, safe and ethical manner.

C7-Perform proper sampling, selection and recording of data in the field and/or the laboratory insuring the validity, accuracy, calibration, precision and explicability during collection.

C8-تطبيق الفهم الفكرى  للمفاهيم والمبادئ والأخلاقيات الإسلامية فى ظل وسطية وسماحة الدين الإسلامى

  1. General and Transferable Skills

By the end of the Zoology program, the graduate must be able to:

 D1-Use information and communication technology effectively.

D2-Identify roles and responsibilities and their performing manner.

D3-Think independently and within  group by setting tasks to solve problems on ethical scientific basis.

D4-communicate with others positively.

D5-Consider community linked problems, Islamic morals , ethics and traditions.

D6-Acquire self- and longlife-learning.

D7-Use scientific models, systems and tools effectively.

D8-Deal with scientific patents considering property right.

D9– Exhibit the sense of beauty and neatness

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