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ورش العمل والتدريب

Dr. Mayhoub Lab 3rd

Chemical Scientific Research Workshop

  • 01 يوليه, 2019
Dr. Mayhoub Lab 3rd

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Dr. Mayhoub Lab 3rd Chemical Scientific Research Workshop
Ø Learning Goals (Objectives):
Identify lab equipment’s.
Training on some basic lab techniques and skills.
Proceeding Specific chemical reactions.
Understand the online-search basics.
What is the Scientific paper and how to get a background on Peer Review?
How to write paper.
Designing effective scientific presentations.

Ø Requirements (Conditions):
The applicant should be a student in Pharmacy collage.
The applicant should have at least a very good grade in organic chemistry courses.
The applicant should pass a scientific interview.
Skip attendance Ratio 90%.
Design a scientific presentation on one chemical reaction (10 slides in 15 minutes).
Proceeding specific chemical reaction.

Ø Benefits:
Obtain a recommendation letter.
Get a chance to contribute for publishing a scientific article(in case of the workshop supervisors recommend that).

If you are interested, please fill out the attached application form and send it to:

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