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المجلة العالمية للهندسة البيوطبية والسريرية توجه الدعوة الى اد. حكمت سرور بالانضمام الى هيئة التحرير والتحكيم للدوريات العلمية

  • 18 نوفمبر, 2018
المجلة العالمية للهندسة البيوطبية والسريرية توجه الدعوة الى اد. حكمت سرور بالانضمام الى هيئة التحرير والتحكيم للدوريات العلمية

توجيه الدعوة الى ا.د حكمت عبد الموجود سرور الاستاذ بقسم الهستولوجى ورئيس الجمعية المصرية للانسجة والخلايا ورئيس تحرير المجلة المصرية للانسجة ، للانضمام الى هيئة التحرير والتحكيم للدوريات العلمية من قبل المجلة العالمية للهندسة البيوطبية والسريرية

 (International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Clinical Science)





Dear Hekmat Ahmed-Sorour, Fatma Abdel Aal...

Warm greetings from the editorial office!

We get to know your valuable article titled Ovarian cytoarchitectual changes following fennel ingestion in senile diabetic albino rat which has been published in Egyptian Journal of Histology, and the topic of the paper has impressed us a lot.

Scholars and researchers in a wide range of disciplines have showed interests in your paper 

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Initiated with an aim to advance communications within scientific community, International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Clinical Science provides specialists in various scopes with good access to the latest scientific researches. In light of the novelty, advance, and potential wide applications of your innovation, we sincerely invite you to submit other unpublished manuscripts of related fields to the journal. We are also quite looking forward to receiving your further research on the published paper.

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On behalf of the Editorial Board of the journal, we are very pleased to invite you to join our team as one of the editorial board members/reviewers of International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Clinical Science. You have fully devoted yourself to this research and delivered an excellent result, and for this reason, we really hope you can be a part of us. We hope that your position as one of the editorial board members/reviewers will promote the development of scientific researches in this field.

For more information to join us, please visit: 

Please kindly let us know if you have any question.

Yours respectfully,

Jessie Wright
Assistant Editor of International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Clinical Science

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